Jul 6Liked by The Dragons Breath

Sorry to hear that Josie had to go through a verbally abusive attack from a woman who had obviously been entirely sucked in by the current widely regurgitated narrative around climate change and renewables.

Fortunately, you have been able to turn this nasty experience into something constructive and which clearly illustrates the necessity for all of us to ask questions and do research before we formulate our own opinions in this regard, so very well done!

I only hope that through exposing the inaccuracies of the verbal diarrhoea that emanated from that woman's mouth, you will encourage more people to investigate the propaganda being pumped out by the onshore renewables lobbyists.

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Jul 6Liked by The Dragons Breath

This is just what is needed, Jason. Challenging the propaganda by taking it apart and showing a scientific disproof of each component part. I'm sorry that Josie had to experience the stupid woman's effusion, but it was too good an opportunity for you to miss. Very well done! More power to your elbow! Jeremy.

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Jul 6Liked by The Dragons Breath

I'm so happy that the encounter I had has enabled you to give excellent scientific responses, so that if I'm ever in this position again I will know what to say. May common sense prevail in these strange times we are in

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Great information and links, thanks! I hadn't heard of the Clintel World Climate Declaration. Time to send this to our local councillors who all blindly voted for a 'climate emergency' a couple of years ago...

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